Skuteviken Personell has opened a new office in Lithuania, Siauliai.
Skuteviken Personell has opened a new office in Lithuania, Siauliai.
Is Skuteviken Personell Lithuanian or Norwegian company?
Skuteviken Personell AS is Norwegian company with a head office in Bergen and branch office in Stavanger. Skuteviken Personell UAB is a daughter company established for recruiting people from Lithuania.
Are you employing people to Lithuanian company?
No, selected candidates are employed to Norwegian company. Lithuanian company is functioning as a recruiter to Norwegian company.
Is it possible to get a work with a colleague who does not speak English?
Unfortunately, no. Each candidate must speak English or one of Scandinavian languages.
Is it necessary to come for the interview to your office?
Yes, it is preferred that candidates would come to our office for work interview. However, if it is not possible to come, we can make an exception for the interview on Skype.
Will someone take me from the airport in Bergen or Stavanger?
No. we do not have this possibility, but we will provide you with all necessary information how to reach office from the airport.
Do I need to take my own working tools?
No, you do not. We are providing all our employees with necessary working tools and cloths.
Do I need to go by a car to Norway?
It is up to you. Our company is not providing employees with cars. It always easier to go to projects with a car, but if you do not have a car it is very easy and comfortable to use public transport.
How soon will I get a job?
If you are meeting requirements to the position opened at that time, we will give you answer as soon as possible. Usually it is from 4-7 days until confirmed candidate needs to start working. In other cases, time until we can confirm work offer for you depends on situation.
How can I get a job? What is the recruitment process?